MOS 74D—Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Specialist

Qualifications for initial award of MOS 74D, Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Specialist:

PULHES: 122221
Physical Demands Rating: very heavy
Required ASVAB Score: ST: 91
Enlistment Bonus: None
Security Clearance: None
U.S. Citizenship: Not Required
AIT Length / Location: 10 weeks at Ft Leonardwood, Missouri
Other Requirements

Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Specialist (MOS 74D) Description / Major Duties:

The CBRN specialist conduct CBRN reconnaissance and surveillance; perform decontamination operations; conduct obscuration operations; conduct CBRN sensitive site exploitation; and operate and perform operator maintenance on assigned CBRN defense and individual CBRN protective equipment. Additionally, in non-chemical units, the CBRN NCO plan, conduct and evaluate individual and collective CBRN training, and provide technical advice on all CBRN operations and hazards for company and higher-level organizations.

Duties for MOS 74D at each skill level are:

MOSC 74D1O. Perform as a team member in support of CBRN reconnaissance, surveillance, detection, decontamination and obscuration operations; serve as company CBRN specialist.

MOSC 74D2O. Supervise CBRN reconnaissance and surveillance, detection, decontamination and obscuration operations; serve as company CBRN NCO.

MOSC 74D30. Lead CBRN reconnaissance, decontamination and obscuration squads, and biological detection teams; serve as battalion CBRN NCO who supervise and train company level CBRN NCOs/specialists and inspect company level CBRN readiness.

MOSC 74D40. Supervise CBRN reconnaissance and surveillance, detection, decontamination and obscuration platoons; manage operations of a chemical company; serve as the CBRN staff advisor at battalion level and higher who supervise and train subordinate level CBRN NCOs/specialists and inspect subordinate unit CBRN readiness.

MOSC 74D50. Serve as first sergeant, MSGs, and SGMs; provide staff supervision; coordinate, supervise and conduct group, division, Corps and Army level CBRN operations.

Other Requirements for Award of MOS 74D:

(1) Normal color vision.

(2) Active component personnel (all grades): For initial award of MOS, Soldiers must attend resident training at the U.S. Army Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear School (USACBRNS) where they will be exposed, while wearing CBRN protective wear, to toxic agents in the chemical defense training facility. No other course will be the basis for MOS qualification. ARNG/USAR personnel (all grades): National Guard and Army Reserve Soldiers will attend the resident course at USACLMS or at a TASS Battalion.

Additional Skill Identifiers for MOS 74D:

L1—Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Reconnaissance and Surveillance (R&S) (skill level 4 only).
L3—Technical Escorting (skill level 1-5).
L4—Biological Integrated Detection System (BIDS) (skill level 1-4).
L5—M93 Series Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Reconnaissance System Fox (skill level 1-4).
L6—Nuclear/Biological/Chemical (NBC) Reconnaissance (skill level 1-4).

Article Last Modified: February 21, 2011

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