MOS 79T—Recruiting and Retention NCO

Qualifications for initial award of MOS 79T, Recruiting and Retention NCO:

PULHES: 132221
Physical Demands Rating: N / A
Required ASVAB Score: GT: 110, waiverable to 100 and ST: 96
Enlistment Bonus: N / A
Security Clearance: No
U.S. Citizenship: not required
Training Length / Location: 2 weeks, 2 days at Camp Joseph T. Robinson, Arkansas
This MOS is for National Guard only
Other Requirements

Recruiting and Retention NCO (MOS 79T) Description / Major Duties:

Recruits and retains qualified soldiers for entry into the Army National Guard in accordance with applicable regulations. Supervise recruiting and retention activities.

Duties for MOS 79T at each skill level are:

MOSC 79T4O. Prospect for leads. Prepare a prospect card. Refines leads. Conduct a school program. Determine basic enlistment eligibility. Pre qualifies an individual for enlistment. Determine eligibility for extension or immediate reenlistment. Conduct enlistment, attrition management and retention interviews. Explains the selected reserve incentive program and the Montgomery GI Bill, initial entry training (IET) requirements, test results, enlistment options/programs/obligations, non regular service retirement, employer support and reemployment rights. Evaluate unit sponsorship program. Brief applicant on MEPS processing. Prepares and completes an enlistment packet. Counsel an applicant. Operate Guard Accession Information Network System. Establish media contacts. Conduct direct mail campaigns. Evaluate the unit's retention environment. Explain strength maintenance recognition programs. Conduct a strength maintenance interview and briefing. Develop a time management work plan. Train unit first line leaders on career planning. Reviews request for separation/transfer/discharge. Review extension/immediate reenlistment procedures. Identifies alternatives to separation/transfer/discharge. Evaluate retention data, forms and files. Analyze unit pay and performance data. Initiate security for family assistance operations. Explain the National Guard Family Program. Identifies resources for family assistance. Provide referral services for family members. Prepare DD Form 1172 for DEERS enrollment, issues ID cards for family members during mobilization. Develop a state marketing plan. Prepares and advertising budget. Determine regulatory requirements for advertising. Write recruiting and retention advertising copy and script.

MOSC 79T5O. Performs duties shown in preceding level of skill and provides technical guidance to lower grade soldiers in the performance of all tasks. Determine strength maintenance objectives. Evaluate strength maintenance activities. Conduct Recruiting and Retention NCO training and orientation. Develop Recruiting and Retention NCO incentive program. Prepare Recruiting and Retention NCO training program. Reviews and approves a state marketing plan. Complies and maintains production data. Analyze production management reports. Supervises Recruiting and Retention NCOs. Organizes and coordinates strength maintenance programs. Assigns duties and evaluates performance of subordinates. Inspect strength maintenance activities. Identifies, investigates, and takes corrective action in problem areas. Plans and conducts a strength maintenance seminars and conferences. Develops and directs training programs to assist Recruiting and Retention NCOs.

Other Requirements for Award of MOS 79T:

No record of conviction by special or general courts-martial or civilian courts of offenses listed in AR 27-10 (Military Justice), chapter 24 or otherwise required to register as a sexual offender under AR 27-10, chapter 24.

Additional Skill Identifiers for MOS 79T:

P5—Master Fitness Trainer.
V7—Guidance Counseling.
2B—Air Assault (personnel only).
2S—Battle Staff Operations (SL 3 and above).
4A—Reclassification Training.
4R—Reclassification Training.
5W—Jumpmaster (personnel only).
6T—Military Auditor (Reserve Component personnel only).
8P—Competitive Parachutist (skill level 2-4 personnel only).

Article Last Modified: February 16, 2011

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